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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Windows Problem

An unfailingly polite lady called to ask for help with a Windows installation that had gone terribly wrong. 

Customer: "I brought my Windows disks from work to install them on my home computer." Training stresses that we are "not the Software Police," so I let the little act of piracy slide. 

Tech Support: "Umm-hmm. What happened?" 

Customer: "As I put each disk in it turns out they weren't initialized." 

Tech Support: "Do you remember the message exactly, ma'am?" 

Customer: (proudly) "I wrote it down. 'This is not a Macintosh disk. Would you like to initialize it?'" 

Tech Support: "Er, what happened next?" 

Customer: "After they were initialized, all the disks appeared to be blank. And now I brought them back to work, and I can't read them in the A: drive; the PC wants to format them. And this is our only set of Windows disks for the whole office. Did I do something wrong?" 


  1. Bang! I love these stories.

  2. When you learn to not mess with software you can't understand...

  3. @Potato Skinz
    I love them too XD silly people :)


    sadly it takes the mistake to learn the lesson in most cases with software
